Top FMCG Companies of India
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry in India is one of the largest sectors in the country and over the years has been growing at a very steady pace. The sector consists of consumer non-durable products which broadly consists, personal care, household care and food & beverages. The Indian FMCG industry is largely classified as organised and unorganised. This sector is also buoyed by intense competition. Besides competition, this industry is also marked by a robust distribution network coupled with increasing influx of MNCs across the entire value chain. This sector continues to remain highly fragmented.
Industry Classification:The FMCG industry is volume driven and is characterised by low margins. The products are branded and backed by marketing, heavy advertising, attractive packaging and strong distribution networks. The FMCG segment can be classified under the premium segment and popular segment. The premium segment caters mostly to the higher/upper middle class which is not as price sensitive apart from being brand conscious. The price sensitive popular or mass segment consists of consumers belonging mainly to the semi-urban or rural areas who are not particularly brand conscious. Products sold in the popular segment have considerably lower prices than their premium counterparts. Following are the segment-wise product details along with the major players.
Top 10 FMCG Companies in India (Click on links to get company details)
ii. ITC (Indian Tobacco Company)
iii. Nestlé India
iv. Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (AMUL)
v. Dabur India
vi. Asian Paints India
vii. Cadbury India
viii. Britannia Industries
viv. Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care
vv. Marico Industries
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